© Copyright 2015-2019 Automated Media Processing Solutions, Inc. dba Equilibrium.
All Rights Reserved. U.S. Patent Numbers 6,964,009, 8,381,110 and 8,656,046 for the automated content processing, automatic derivative content management, dynamic on-the-fly visualization of content, bandwidth and device dependent optimization of visual media, on-the-fly auto-conformance and assembly of video content and dynamic on-demand generation of digital media assets. Other patents pending. MediaRich and Equilibrium are registered trademarks and EQ Network, MediaScript, MediaBatch, MetaBatch MediaCart, and AMPS are trademarks of Automated Media Processing Solutions, Inc. All other company, product or service names mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.
MediaScript contains ScriptEase™, a JavaScript compatible, ECMAScript compliant interpreter developed by Nombas, Inc., http://www.nombas.com. All Rights Reserved. v 4.0